The program has adopted the policy social security policy for the sake safeguarding the members from loss as well as developing collectiveness in facing such loss causing factors.
- Maternity expenses:- Members of the program are provided NRS 1,500/- for maternity expenses for first two children. Members have to make a claim within the 90 days from the date of delivery with necessary documents.
- Rites and Ritual expenses:- Members are provided mourning expenses NRS 5000 at the demise of the member's spouse as social support with a view to nurture the cohesiveness among the members. Such facility is also provides to the member's family in a case member's death too. This facility has to be obtained within 35 days from the date of accident.
- Natural Disaster Assistance:- In a case of loss caused by fire, flood and earthquake to members' property up to NRS 5,000 in maximum natural disaster assistance is provided to the members. To claim such assistance the concerned member should submit the necessary documents within 35 days of the loss occurred.