Working Capital Loan (Business)

If you are planning to start a new business venture or to expand your existing business and have felt of sort for fund for day-to-day management of business or in need of short term capital then here at Salpa Bikas Bank we are here ready to support you in your business journey.

This product can be availed for :

- Financing of Net Current Assets

- Day to Day cash Management

- Short Term Capital Need


- Collateral (Fixed Assets) shall be required for all the above-mentioned product

- Maximum of 70% of FMV of the collateral shall be availed as loan

- Collateral should be accessible by at least 10 feet (at least 7 Ft in prime locations) wide motorable road

- Collateral should be free from Guthi and mohi; and far from high tension wire

- Collateral shall be valuated by authorized valuator of the bank

- Maximum tenure of loan shall be of 1 year

- PG of all shareholders holding 10% or above. Further PG of  at least 70% shareholders to be obtained.


- Easy repayment plan matching with the income of the client

- Personalized service

- Quick processing

- Easy documentation

Documents Required:

- Passport size photograph (2 Copies) of Loan Applicant / (1 copy) of Guarantor

- Photocopy of Citizenship of Applicant / Guarantor

- Photocopy of Registration No and PAN of Company or Firm

- Copy of Memorandum of Association and Article of Association in case of company

- Board Resolution in case of Company

- Application with appointment for authorization for transactions with bank

- Photocopy of Land/Building Ownership certificate (Lal Purja)

- Four Boundary Certificate ( Char Killa )

- Blue Print Map of the proposed collateral land

- Building construction approval from Municipality / VDC along with drawing plans (applicable where building is involved)

- Land revenue tax (malpot receipt)

- Audited and Projected Financial Statement

- Feasibility Report of the business or Business Plan

Charges and Interest Rate
Please visit our nearest branch for further information and to learn about charges and interest rate.